Forgive the photos, I had to actually photograph photos - he-he! Our photographer never gave us digital photos, but he did take some fabulous pictures so we can't complain! These are just a few of my favorites.
In the photo below you might laugh at the size of my eyes. There is a little story to go with that.

You see we paid for pretty much our entire wedding. Our parents helped out with the bar and the DJ, but everything else was ours. Well, I was disappointed that we couldn't afford everything, but we had to make choices. Of course we would have liked to have had a video, but pictures were more important, so we nixed the video. But one of the biggest things I wanted was a horse and carriage after the reception so we could ride off into the night. Perhaps I have seen too many movies - but I just couldn't get this vision out of my head. It was the ONLY vision I had when I thought about what my wedding would be like. But, we had to make do with what we could afford, so no horse, no carriage. People had to eat right?! Needless to say I was crushed. I tried to find some way to make it work, but it wouldn't, so I gave up. I cried and moved on... reluctantly...
My husband and his friend spent a good portion of the day prior to ou wedding washing my car, my six-month old Honda CRV, as this was our departure vehicle. How exciting right?!
Well, after a fabulous evening, everyone left me in the reception hall (my friend Diana stalling me while everyone got outside), and when I walked out I was just about blinded by all the flashes until I came to the bottom of the steps to see...
To this day, this is THE most romantic thing my husband has ever done for me. He knew how much I wanted this and he made my dream come true. He ONLY wanted to make me happy, to see me smile. He obviously succeeded, and he still does :-D
Happy Anniversary! Love you!